Write to Release and Make Peace - 5

Write to release + MAKE peace

JOURNal Exercise Five

Take the JOURNey within

Finding your Truth

Finding your anchor in the midst of a busy world can be super hard at times. We get so much influence from outside sources that we often forget to go inward and check in with ourselves. To do this means to find your true voice and learn to listen to this voice first. In doing so we can strengthen the bond we have within between our heart and our mind, and allow our actions to be best suited to live in our truth. Every word you speak, action you make, relationship you invest in, job you give energy to, food you eat, and onward can start to become more intentional. Let's dive in and try to listen closely to ourselves today and every day. Try this journal prompt on the topic and write to release and make peace with yourself. 

1) What/who is currently crossing my boundaries, and pushing me unnecessarily at this time? Why/how do I feel pulled away from living in my truth? 

2) How can I create boundaries with this behavior/relationship/job/etc? 

3) What will creating these boundaries do for my personal well-being?

4) How can I show myself more love?

5) Write down "I deserve peace" 10x. 

I hope you uncovered some parts of yourself today with these exercise. Sometimes we just need to write it out on paper to dig out these behaviors or habits that get us off course of our own path. It's important to check in with ourselves so that we can be fully cognizant of our personal experience, each day growing and learning.

Self love is not selfish!!


Make with Madelene